Frequently asked questions about Bloxstrap App

Did you encounter any problems while using Bloxstrap or have any questions about this app before using it? In this article, we are going to cover all common issues, questions, and problems you faced with Bloxstrap with answers. Feel free to leave your questions in the comment section too.

Bloxstrap Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a malware application?

No. This is a free and open-source application available on GitHub where anyone can see and read the full source code of this application. If there are malicious or harmful codes it will be immediately noticed by the supporting community.

Will Roblox ban my account from using this application?

Not at all. This app does not interact with Roblox client. This is a third-party bootstrapper used to replace the default one.

Where is the multi-instance launch feature?

This feature has lots of bugs and user complaints. Therefore, it was removed with recent updates. Don’t worry this feature will be added in future updates once all the known issues and bugs are completely fixed.

Has performance and stability issues?

This may happen if you are trying to modify the game settings with the FastFlag editor. Avoid this editor unless you are an expert with scripts.

Has significant Network delay?

The main cause of this issue is the framerate. Most use a higher framerate for a better gaming experience. Try to reduce framerate if you experience network delay. Try limiting the framerate to 240 or less. You can also try 0 for 60fps.

Crashes while switching games

This is caused by to higher framerate option. Set 240 or less framerate on the framerate settings of the Bloxstrap app to fix this issue. If it is not fixed try using 0 for 60fps.

Old Material Textures does not work?

You need to manually flag addition in the flag editor.

Signature does not match?

This is Roblox related problem. This happens mostly due to an unstable internet connection while downloading game files or due to virus guards or other applications on your device. Restart your device and try to launch it again.

Access to the path is denied while reinstalling Bloxstrap.

Check the provided path in the error message. Check whether there is already a Bloxstrap folder available with files on the given path or location. Remove that folder and try again.

Is Bloxstrap Safe?

Yes. It is completely safe to use. Because this is an open-source project at GitHub where anyone can see the full source code of this application.