Bloxstrap version 2.8.0
One of the best releases of Bloxstrap application for Windows. New version featuring many additions, huge user interface changes and bug fixes, etc. Below listed all the details about this new version. Click here to download Bloxstrap 2.8.0
Version 2.8.0 – Changelog
Added Analytics system
New version of this application has a analytic system to track user activity. It was enabled by default. If you does not like analytic system tracking usage information go to Bloxstrap settings page to disable it.
Game History
Now you can view your game history. See you play session and rejoin quickly with servers. Extremely useful for most Roblox players.
Test Mode
Instead of directly applying configured settings on the game, now you can test them. You can test actually how your settings affect the Roblox with test mode.
Set launch data
This feature is in BloxstrapRPC. It allow to set launch data for invite deeplinks.
Proper Installation UI
Previously there is no proper installation flow like many other windows applications. Instead all the settings are appear instantly. Now Bloxstrap installation support proper installation interfaces.
General Launch Menu
Previously Bloxstrap executable directly launches the Roblox game. Now you will see general launch menu to increase user experience.
Interrupt Bootstrapper
Did you accidently launch Roblox in the middle of setting preferred configurations? Now you can cancel the bootstrapper when Roblox is in the middle of launching.
Verify Launches
After adding your preferred changes using Bloxstrap, it can properly verify Roblox launches.
Settings window size
Previous versions does not able to memorize or keep window size of the settings you applied. New version will keep configured windows size of the settings window.
Unsaved Settings
Most users forgot to save changes they made on settings windows. No warning or messages are shown when closing settings window with unsaved settings. Now you will be warned if there is unsaved settings before closing the settings window.
Failed Settings Error Message
Some of the added settings may failed due to version mismatch, improper permissions, etc. But you won’t notice them since there are no error messages shown on older versions of Bloxstrap. From this version it will warn you about failed settings.
Reset FastFlag
FastFlag configuration require some knowledge to work with. Most of users make changes incorrectly in fastflag section. Now you can easily reset fastflag settings back to detaults.
Installation progress
Shows progress of the Installation or upgrading Roblox game on Taskbar.
Minor Changes
- Bloxstrap Menu is renamed as “Settings”.
- Dedicated button for settings is now removed.
- Roblox installation location is now uses static location instead of dynamic version folder.
- Removed dedicated option available to optimize fullscreen. Fullscreen optimization settings are available on compatibility settings.
- “Fast Flag” is renamed as “Engine Settings”.
- Show proper error messages when it failed to write to the registry.
- Name field of custom integration now has autofilled option.
- Instead of showing “Playing” on Discord rich servers it was changed to show game name.
- Behavior settings now has two categories as Bootstrapper” and “Bloxstrap”.
- Bloxstrap settings does not take effect till you click “Save” button.